Digital Ideas and Links


Seesaw is a sharing the learning app which learners can use to post images of their work completed in school and share with someone at home. In addition, we encourage learners to share learning done at home such as reading. If you or your child has any issues accessing Seesaw please advise your child’s class teacher and they can provide you with a new QR code to access.

Google Classroom:

As a school we use Google Classroom regularly. This is a platform that allows us to share learning, links and use of a range of Google Apps.  Homework may be uploaded to your child’s Google Classroom account for completion at home.

Read Write: 

Read Write is a tool we encourage learners to use in Newtongrange Primary School. Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work. This allows learners to be prepared as it is also a tool used widely in Newbattle High School. 

Digital Maintenance:

In the first instance, any issues with hardware (school chromebooks or iPads), should be made known to your child’s class teacher.  The school will then contact the relevant Midlothian Council IT department, to address the issue.  

School App:

Used to communicate school information to parent’s carers and guardians. Type of information may include: general day to day info, upcoming events (school and PTA) and extra-curricular clubs. 

Links for learning: – digital library – Euro quiz -BBC Bitesize  numeracy game for P4-7. – order of operations game for upper school. – fruit splat fraction addition game. – fractions game – upper school.