Learners take part in the everyday and more strategic decisions that steer and provide school-wide direction. This comprises of:
- Class Council
- Learning Council
- Reading Reps
- Eco Warriors
- Playground Reps
- Community Explorers
- Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors
- Sports Award Committee
The decision making groups are elected annually. Children can put themselves forward for a maximum of 2 groups each year. They share with their class why they would be a suitable candidate for their chosen groups. The children will then vote, using a voting slip for who they would like to represent their class for each different group for the academic year.
It is optional for children to put themselves forwards to be on a decision making group.
The 7 decision making groups will create an action plan of their planned activities to contribute to school improvement. Each group will have a display board to share, promote and celebrate the work of their group.
Please see below the achievements of each group for this year: