At Newtongrange Primary School we pride ourselves on nurture being a whole school approach and ethos.
We begin each school year with a Whole School Project focused on creating nurturing, inclusive and respectful classroom communities.
We have a Positive Behaviour Expectations Blueprint which was developed in collaboration with our staff and learners. It focuses on our school values, creating mutual respect and building positive relationships.
Alongside this, The Zones of Regulation are used across the school to provide learners with self-regulation strategies and an increased understanding of emotional literacy. Each class has a check-in and every classroom has a toolkit of strategies, including a dedicated calm space containing resources tailored to the needs of the individuals within the class.
At Newtongrange Primary School, we choose to see every room as a ‘nurture room’ but we also have a dedicated space, run by our PTs of Health and Wellbeing, called ‘The Nest’. Learners access ‘The Nest’ for focused interventions as well as using it as a calm, supportive, breakaway space whenever it is needed. We also facilitate nurture groups for learners across the school, run an enhanced class provision in the afternoons, as well as hosting daily toast club and lunch clubs.
We pride ourselves on being a Silver Rights Respecting School where children’s rights are learned, understood and lived in this environment.
Please see below some resources to support with your child’s Health and Wellbeing.
NPS Make a Zones of Regulation Check In
NPS 5 4 3 2 1 Grounding Strategy
NPS Breathing Exercises for Children
NPS Calming Anxiety in Children Strategies
NPS Helping Children Manage Anger Strategies
35 ways to ask you child how was your day