Newtongrange Primary School is a warm, welcoming and hardworking school. Our staff are very friendly and supportive, helping us to learn and grow. As learners, we feel we are given the capacity to make great decisions. We are very curious to learn new strategies and we are given the confidence to create our own targets. Our resilience and co-cooperativeness allows us to accept challenges with ease!
We are actively involved in our decision making groups, with a rep from each class taking the lead. We are very aware of our school values and can discuss their importance. We collaborated on our school vision, Aspire Believe Achieve, and even have a song for it! We feel that our vision helps us to become better learners. Our school has aspirations, the staff believe in us and as a result, we can achieve!
When you come into our school you will see great learners working independently and also cooperatively. We will be reflecting on our learning and setting our own goals for our next steps.
Ultimately, we strongly believe that our staff, learners and friends give us the greatest opportunity they can for the future. We are pushed to be the best we can.
P7 Reps from the Learning Council.