Numeracy Ideas and Links

Help your Child with Maths            

Parents and carers can play a vital role in reinforcing the importance of maths to their children, promoting a positive attitude towards it and making it a fun activity to do together as a family.

This booklet is produced by Education Scotland to give you some ideas to try at home-

Education Scotland’s website has some fun ideas for specific areas of the maths curriculum such as money or data handling in leaflets like this-

For information about how we teach numeracy in the early years, you can find an overview here –

Early Numeracy Learning and Teaching

If you would like more information about exactly what we teach in the Scottish Maths Curriculum you can find it here-

Or if you would like more detail, copies of all the curricular areas are accessible in formats like the one above on the Education Scotland website and numeracy is included amongst lots of general good ideas in this accessible booklet-

Finally we recognise that a lot of our parents and carers would like to feel confident to help their child with maths, but perhaps didn’t have a very positive experience with maths in school themselves. Here are a couple of links if you’d like to brush up your own maths skills a bit.

Skint! – A money management resource created for adult literacy and numeracy support groups.

The Big Plus – The Big Plus encourages adults to improve their reading, writing and number skills.