Author: smcgurn

Multi-Sport Holiday Camp

Click on the link below for exciting details on the upcoming February Multi-Sport Holiday Camp held at The Lasswade Centre. Multi-Sport February Holiday Camp 2019  

P6 Science

P6’s topic is the Human Body and Dr Curtis was in helping us understand how the muscles in our arms contract and relax so that we can move them easily. We created a wonderful model using cardboard and elastic bands…

P7 Science

On Thursday 24th January, we were building Scribble-bots with cardboard and junk. The aim was to create an un-programmable robot to create patterns with felt pens, onto a piece of paper. We were learning that the weight of the motor,…

Park Smart Campaign

We are proud to announce the launch of our new Park Smart campaign! We hope parents and carers get behind us in our mission to make our school a safer place by keeping traffic congestion and danger away from our…

Playground Pals Update

Whole School Recognition Board: Throughout our break times, children can earn links for our Whole School Recognition Board when they demonstrate positive playground expectations, such as being considerate and cooperative with others, using kind words, sharing space and putting their…

Community Explorers Update

The Community Explorers have been working on 2 themes; To commemorate the centenary of the First World War, the Community Explorers spent some time visiting the local War Memorial and creating Remembrance Stones in memory of all those who died…

Eco Warriors Update October 2019

The Eco Warriors this year will: Reduce the amount of litter in the playground. Implement a litter picking rota. Promote ‘zero waste’ snacks. Reward those who go above and beyond to make our playground beautiful. Reduce the amount of waste…