The Newbattle Learning Community Partnership offers a co-ordinated approach with Third Sector Organisations, ensuring every school in the Newbattle Learning Community will have access to a Home School Practitioner.
Our aims are: to encourage parental engagement; improve health and wellbeing; and raise attainment by providing early intervention supports beyond the classroom. By using a single referral pathway to a broad menu of services we work with families to understand their unique situation and create individualised support plans that best fit their needs.
Some of the difficult times families can face which our Home School Practitioner can support with include:
- Health and Wellbeing concerns at school including learning and development and school attendance/lateness
- Family members feeling overwhelmed, low mood, stressed, anxious
- Unemployment, Housing, Universal Credits, Debt concerns, Best Start Grant – Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Early Learning Payment, School Age Payment
- Family disagreements
- Parental separation
- Family changes i.e. children having to stay with another carer or a new partner living in the home
- Bereavement, coping with family illness or disability
- Young Carers Support
- Family substance misuse or addiction
In Newtongrange Primary School Lee Grieve is our Home School Practitioner. This post is funded by the Pupil Equity Fund (PEF), a set amount of funding each school receives yearly from The Scottish Government, based on the number of children at each school who are registered for Free School Meals.
If you think Lee could be a support to you and your family, please do not hesitate to contact her for more information on the school telephone number or on 07990 136 849, by email: Alternatively come along to the Drop-in service every week in school on a Friday morning from 10.30am to 12.20pm, where you can pop in for a tea/coffee, biscuit and a chat. Also please also come in and see our nearly new school uniform bank, where you can help yourself or swap uniform. All donations are also greatly appreciated.